Sexual Appetite Vs. Sacred Connection
Happy Spring to all! I must say I’m very excited that the sun and warm weather is returning. I think
Romance is not for the feeble and weak.
It’s actually for the
Yes it takes courage to give your heart to another. It also takes valiance and nobility and honour.
My definition of romance: the ability to be attuned to the beauty present in every moment, to the light that you inherently are, and to the love you always deserve. (And to generously offer these feelings to another with absolute reverence and elegance of being. Class, refinement and humility before the Others divinity.)
Why do we harken back to the early 1900’s when people were still chivalrous and polite? Why do we love shows like Mr.Selfridge and Downton Abbey?
Because they are ROMANTIC!
Pure, innocent, sweet, displaying courage and strength, dedication and commitment to those values we have so lost with today’s fast paced disposable era.
How sad.
They also display traditional masculine and feminine roles that are also increasingly rare today. (Women becoming too masculine and men becoming afraid to be masculine.)
A big part of my mission is to teach how we can rekindle romance. The natural dance and song between the yin and yang energies of the universe.
Romance with yourself = abundance, prosperity, purpose, meaning, fulfillment and (the highest manifestation of personal empowerment represents an individual’s sense of royalty)
My definition of Royalty: those in possession of the greatest hearts and values of utmost integrity; most obviously here to influence society in the most complete and transformational process possible for the healing and awakening of humanity
Romance with another = twin flame, soul mate, walking your divine path with a kindred spirit, growing in love bigger and brighter every day. There is also a bestowing of great responsibility to teach and exemplify the highest possibility and power of love to all.
Here’s to being romantic, and to rekindling romance in every part of our lives. God knows the earth is craving it… Couples are lacking it… Poverty is crying out for it … Politics is desperate for it … Our governments are desperate for it … Our animals need it … Our parents/our children need it …. No one is exempt from desperately needing this in their lives. And those who have it can always use more of it so they have more to give. <3
Happy Spring to all! I must say I’m very excited that the sun and warm weather is returning. I think
If you knew every part of you was okay, acceptable, perfect and lovable … How would it change your life?
Happy New Year to All 🙂 I wanted to share about judgment today. How we as human beings are constantly