Masculine Checkout Syndrome
Great article, so I’m posting it. . . It reveals the urgent epidemic of MCS. . . ‘masculine checkout syndrome.’
This is the picture of valiant masculinity.
(See excerpt below)
Sadly a man’s ability to be chivalrous, romantic, and yes ‘ravishing’ has been on a steady decline in the last 50 years or so.
Today’s youth and student culture is normalizing vulgarity, indecency and the over sexualization of bodies. Relationships are no longer rooted in emotional integrity; instead they have become contests and ‘he who gets the prettiest wins.’
The element of the sacred has been diminished, the holiness of romantic love has been (temporarily) defeated by the wretched neediness of the ego and its blasphemous effects.
Men’s insecurity and sense of inadequacy has never been so urgent as it is today. A man has no idea how to ground himself in his more mature values. ( honesty, courage, transparency, strength, integrity). Instead the hallmarks of masculinity are now cockiness, player syndrome, and ‘let’s see how much we can get away with’.
How devastatingly awful truly.
As a woman who’s been cheated on and betrayed many many times (and is still single because of it) … I find myself aching with compassion and empathy for the lost boys of today.
I hope I can contribute, at least somewhat, to this major issue, and help shed some light on what it REALLY means to be a man.
(Disclaimer; I know women are guilty of the same characteristics. I am simply speaking from my personal experience with the men I’ve been involved with. This issue is not gender biased, it actually constitutes a mass spiritual emptiness that is causing the deterioration of love and romance as a lesser known experience.)
Furthermore; if love has never been truly experienced (whether with a parent or intimate partner) how are people going to keep desiring it? By viewing movies and reading storybooks? Real love is getting rarer and rarer these days and it’s quite the tragedy in my opinion.
I will however end with a tid bit of spiritual wisdom here, as one of the spiritual laws states ‘as within, so without’ meaning our external world is a reflection of our inner one. For example, if your partner has cheated on you, there’s a big possibility YOU cheated yourself first. (or whatever form your so called victimization has taken). This is an important lesson to grasp, though very complicated to understand, and I haven’t come across many books that explain this phenomenon in an accessible way. If we can fully own that we 100% create our own experience; then we must be mature about whatever situation arises and handle it with dignity.
Anyways my part of this rant is now over, enjoy what David has to say below:
Great article, so I’m posting it. . . It reveals the urgent epidemic of MCS. . . ‘masculine checkout syndrome.’
As I’ve experienced this profession, I’ve really grown to see my purpose in it. I am a re-awakener of Traditional
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