A Vision For Change in the Dating World; From Ego to Authenticity
Partly why the s*x industry is so busy and needed is because so many of us have been burned and
Having a history of falling for unavailable men, getting rejected and neglected … My heart has told me I required these experiences to fully activate my passion of teaching, sharing and being LOVE. And its foundational importance in our lives.
Do you know that we often require contrast? When someone is incapable of loving us, it can be devastating … But only because we have made another person more important than our own sense of self-love/purpose/higher calling/destiny. It’s often the people who DON’T love us that wake us up to what we DO love! We realize what we would go to the ends of the earth for (and it’s not the person, it’s what this person symbolized for us)… Which is pure, transcendent, intergalactic, sacred flame LOVE. You realized it’s inside of you. It’s what you are. It’s what you burn. Yep. You woke up to your truth when someone threw you to the curb. Ironic I know. But they were more of a catalyst for your own transformation than an actual romantic partner.
Those who push love away and aren’t ready yet … Are simply experiencing what they require to eventually wake up to this realization too.
Have compassion for yourself (if you fall for these people), and have compassion for them as well; for they are still in the beginning stages of their journey to awakening their heart.
Wake up to your purpose; which probably involves making love a way of life for you. BE it in every moment and stop looking to get it from others. Instead just give and give and give. Talk about it, post about it, make your business about it, and get about living your mission in every moment you are breathing.
Use all your heart energy to help and serve those who are ready to hear you, and need to hear you. Surrender those who aren’t ready and trust that the divine is taking care of them for you.
This powerfully loving energy will show the universe you mean business. Your business is love. Real love. Real, courageous, transparent, ethereal, better than money love … And eventually this magical and sparkly energy will bring in on the next rainbow … Your match in the form of your next beloved.
Just keep believing. And keep delving deeply to learn from your experiences.
All my love, Klara
Partly why the s*x industry is so busy and needed is because so many of us have been burned and
I hate to quote Bryan Adams but I’m going to 😉 His song is a rarity; it gets to the
The following is written by Bryan Reeves of Bryan Reeves.com I thought it very worthwhile to share what he’s up