What Do I Mean by Healing?
Healing is the restoration of your body, mind and soul to its rightful natural state of; love, calm, serenity, abundance
Masculine and Feminine Energies are Fascinating …
Two phenomena I see happening … (As a feminine heterosexual woman… And simply because I am still young, this may be more rampant in younger people these days.)
1) Men who have not met their own standards (or their family/societal standards), who feel they have not truly found their purpose, $$$ flow, and masculine sense of success in life …. Will absolutely NOT make love a priority. Nor will he understand the feminine AT ALL because feminine values are the OPPOSITE of external success/prestige/status.
The feminine is about connection, the flow of love in relationship, giving, sharing, nurturing, being in the love of blissful energy, loving magic and caring overload.
But a man who doesn’t meet his own standards will PUSH ALL THIS LOVE AWAY because it’s not practical, it’s not time for that, love can wait.
Really? Love can wait? What else are we fricking living for. NO amount of money, real estate or contacts will make you MORE of a man than you already are.
Men in this category are completely missing the point. Success should be regarded as an extension of your wholeness, completion and be the representation of you sharing and giving your gifts of masculine purpose to the world.
It Should Not Define Whether YOU are WORTHY of regard and praise from others … That you have somehow finally met societal and family pressures … That you have finally arrived somewhere meaningful enough to feel good about who you are.
Holy Frack NO
Do you guys realize that the women you meet while you are in pursuit of world domination could have been the very healing loving light you desperately needed to find your true purpose and presence in life?
Do you realize she could have lit your path like a lighthouse to your dreams?
No. You think it all has to be your way. You have to figure it out. And until you do there’s no time for love.
Well let me tell you, you are leaving women to starve. We are craving men to hold and love but you are too busy chasing false ideals of success.
It breaks my heart and soul.
2) The opposite phenomena is also true. Women (ultra feminine) women who cannot seem to figure THEIR lives out … Will chase wealthy or successful men to ride on their coat tails. This is where the term gold digger comes from. But usually a woman only does this if a) she feels helpless like she can’t figure out how to do life on her own, or, b) she has been heartbroken by too many men putting her on the back burner as they chase their own dreams. (So we go after one who is already successful who may actually have space/time and want us in their lives … Rather than constantly being side lined by an ambitious man who makes no time for his lady.)
(ie the crazy amount of young women who are turning to escorting/stripping/massage … In my experience it’s because they are simply exhausted of younger men behaving like idiots. Not valuing them, being unappreciative, taking us for granted…. And those traits I expressed at the top of this article. This profession is not just about making money … Actually there are a lot of good men who are charming and respectful of us … Which is a lot more than we can say about the men we’ve dated 🙁
How sad truly. The challenges we face today with the accessibility of the Internet and men/women who are NOT working on themselves to become more conscious in dating are fatal.
All of these awful patterns stem from men and women BOTH believing they’re not good enough. And that external sources are what bring happiness.
LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE MORE AWESOME THAN MONEY. (This is not to say that money doesn’t matter, because it does… But not to the extent that you should favour money and opportunity over true love.)
And funnily enough; you will keep encountering these situations until you realize YOU ARE ENOUGH already and that no amount of money, mansions, planes and fancy vacations will make you inherently more READY or DESERVING of love.
You are love. You were born to love. You are miserable unless you learn to love. Yourself, others, the planet … All of it. Everything else is ultimately futile if it is not rooted in the foundations of love, compassion, forgiveness …
Masculine Energy seeks Freedom and the Experience of Power
Feminine Energy seeks the flow of love, affection, communication, beauty, soul …
But we all have both energies within us.
Be conscious of balancing these energies. If YOU are out of sync, so too will be your relationship experiences.
Healing is the restoration of your body, mind and soul to its rightful natural state of; love, calm, serenity, abundance
Healing from break ups … (Can you tell what I’ve been going through?!) Or any kind of major loss (job,
In a great session with my therapist this week … We discussed how evolved/loving/conscious beings have got to get comfortable