Masculine Checkout Syndrome
Great article, so I’m posting it. . . It reveals the urgent epidemic of MCS. . . ‘masculine checkout syndrome.’
Healing from break ups …
(Can you tell what I’ve been going through?!)
Or any kind of major loss (job, money, loved ones etc) is a profound spiritual healing process.
Learning to accept the YOU without the thing you (thought) you desperately needed; is like finding the lost piece to the puzzle of you.
You can finally look in the mirror and love what you see.
You are not broken.
You are not wounded.
You are not less than.
You are not inadequate in any way.
(And the only thing that ever allowed you to feel that way in the past was your own wounded programming)
Other people make mistakes. Other people will fall short from time to time. If you’re honest, you do too.
It’s not about blaming or judging someone else for what they did wrong… Or what they did or didn’t do …
It’s about learning that that level of reality isn’t the deepest truth of who they are, and it’s not your deepest truth to believe any of it either.
Studying the Course in Miracles has helped me heal greatly from relationship and family trauma.
The only thing that is real, is love. Anything and everything else is a call for love.
If someone didn’t treat you right, or didn’t call you back, or betrayed your trust etc etc etc … There is a place in you that simply won’t be affected by it.
Because you know your wholeness, and therefore can also see everyone else’s.
You didn’t do anything wrong and neither did they. You simply made choices. You now have the choice to learn from it, to glean the wisdom of your experience …. Or not to.
Do I miss my ex partner? Do I wish it would have worked out? Of course I do.
But it’s not up to me to police the universe. It’s not up to my ego to decide what gets to happen in my life.
That is the divine’s job.
No matter what happened; the lesson is always to return to love. To your wholeness. Your beauty, your truth, your destiny to be an ambassador of healing.
When you learn to use your painful experiences in a way that propels you forward with love and passion and meaning … There is no reason to hate, resent or judge.
It’s simply an invitation to the opportunity for further healing. Deeper and deeper. Until your life eventually becomes a reflection of the love, peace and harmony that you’re finally able to feel.
What is the healing? It’s the complete RELEASE from ego driven accusations to your internal and external life. When there is only love, there is ever flowing bliss and pleasure, and all you want to do is GIVE and share the blessings that you feel with others. So they too can join you in this place.
Great article, so I’m posting it. . . It reveals the urgent epidemic of MCS. . . ‘masculine checkout syndrome.’
As I’ve experienced this profession, I’ve really grown to see my purpose in it. I am a re-awakener of Traditional
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