Why Relationships Are Dying

Why are less and less people interested in relationships these days? Why are more and more people settling for casual flings rather than braving a deep intimate relationship? The blunt answer is because people have become lazy with their inner lives. Too many people opt for quick fix distractions than actually caring about their growth […]

Big Reveal; MY Emotional Wounds

Klara here, Have received many comments from you thanking me for my radical honesty. That it’s refreshing and authentic, especially in this industry. I am all about keeping it real. My opinion is that the only way to be happy is to own all the parts of ourselves unapologetically with genuine pride and honour, not […]

What To Do When It Seems Your Woman Has Lost Interest

In tribute to a gentleman I saw this week, and may I say I have seen MANY of you with this issue … What do you do when you and your woman want and desire different levels of sex and intimacy? Some of you have been married or partnered for 10+ years and the ‘magic’ […]

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