Klara Karenina Anastasia Tchaikovskaya

Once Upon A Time

sexual women ruled the world.

They were independent, empowered & embodied love.

Their energy flowed through every crevice of the earth with the capacity to heal and restore.

In ancient Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece, there were no brothels. Instead there were Temples of the Sacred Priestesses inhabited by holy women who embodied love, owned their sexuality, and held the highest spiritual authority.

Within those Temples men were cleansed of battle scars and nourished with divine sexuality.
Upon returning from war, men were invited to pass through the Temple doors. The Priestess would bathe, soothe and knead their physical, emotional and spiritual wounds.

She would expand her magnetic field to absorb all of his wounded energy, literally drawing the effects of war from his system. Through the power of her energy, and purity of her femininity, she would gently and tenderly love him back to wholeness. (excerpt by Anaiya Sophia)

Today, thankfully, there is less actual physical war on battlefields. . . but now most of us struggle internally in our own brains and hearts. Stress, loneliness, lack of professional fulfillment, relationship and marriage conflicts, divorce, break ups, loss of loved one’s, the loss of a job or a friend or a community. . . The pains we face are often very isolating and overwhelming. To remain true to myself, and my overly caring and compassionate nature, this is my ancient approach to this divinely inspired and much needed work. I do only welcome kind-hearted high quality gentlemen who have reverence and respect for the sacredness of my energy and service and who share my passion for tenderness and genuine connection. 












5ft 5in

Curvy – Hourglass




Eastern European

English & French


About Me

I’m here in this vocation to provide a safe respite for anyone who needs a tender and loving embrace, understanding ear, and radiant spirit.

I have my first degree in Interdisciplinary Studies where I studied the Power of Romantic Love. After that I studied entrepreneurial Love & Relationship Coaching for 10 years with reputable industry leaders; investing six figures+ into certifications and business building programs.  The study of connection has always fascinated me; as well as non-violent communication, conflict resolution, and peace building. I have noticed over the years that there is a great need for people to be able to BE WHO THEY REALLY ARE and not walk masked within the world. To be an honest representation of themselves; this is the only way we can truly get along with each other. When we can own our truth we no longer deceive ourselves or others. The reality is that relationships are hard. We all struggle with them. Single or coupled alike. What is really required is a deeper understanding of YOURSELF; your needs, your desires, your capabilities, your worth. Without knowing your own needs, boundaries and identity you will face quarrels with other people. The only reason I know this is because I’ve learned from experience.

So here I am, in a very socially controversial position; offering to be of service in the ways of intimacy, connection, sensuality. . . from a place of high consciousness and self-awareness. I like to help people learn to understand themselves, it’s one of my deepest passions.

I am a very nurturing and healing person. Most people tell me that they feel immense serenity and relaxation when they are around me. This is because I am very connected to the essence of who I am. The feminine goddess archetype. The divine feminine. Healing and nurturing, assisting others reach the attainment of inner peace and self-love.

I have had a career as a performer; singer, swimmer, dancer, and model. But I have found that I’m very entrepreneurial by nature, and I have always wanted to do things my own way. And here I am, in my beginning stages of becoming a fuller expression of my true purpose.

I offer sensually awakening experiences. I believe that until you know and are alive in your own body, it is very difficult to find your way in the world. Physicality is a large aspect of what we are, though we are also much more than our bodies.

I do have a request for you. That you only contact me if you are a genuinely warm and good hearted person. A professional man who is respectful of women. I will not tolerate any hate mail or negativity regarding my approach to this; you will be immediately deleted and blocked so please do not waste my time or yours. If you are to contact me, it signifies that you respect and appreciate what I am doing in the world. I value my clients and I expect to be valued in return. Qualities I appreciate in a gentleman include: charm, politeness, courteousness, punctuality, chivalry, kindness, honesty, warmth, humility, appreciation. . .

Other random things about me: I have no tattoos or body piercings. I have soft tanned skin. Eastern European heritage. I alternate my hair from brown to blonde and everything in between. I don’t live a party lifestyle and have nothing to do with drugs or people who do them. I have another real world business that is almost full-time as well. 

I also have pets! So if you have allergies please ask me about that. My workspace is clean and professional with very romantic and feminine decor.

I am located in the Britannia Beach area. For my discretion precise details are only given to gentlemen who screen, send deposits, and ensure that I feel safe.

May I be a blessing on your life,


Let's Get

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